
Würm — English edition of France's bestselling Ice Age RPG

Created by editions_icare

Survive perilous hunts & attempt legendary quests during the Ice Age of 35,000 years ago in this indie RPG.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Advancement of the project #4
over 8 years ago – Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 12:24:25 PM

Dear backers,

as you requested, please find here an actual state of Würm's project advancement. :

TRANSLATION - 100% done !

EDITING - 100% done !

LAYOUTS - in progress

CHECKINGS - in progress




As you can see we're late, our expectation to deliver book in june was clearly optimistic. Translation, with our focus on quality, took a bit of time. Now, we enter in post-production process, so we can expect a delivery during september. Apologises for the delay.

We will update this periodically in order to keep you informed.

Best regards

Advancement of the project #3
almost 9 years ago – Wed, May 11, 2016 at 11:54:34 AM

Dear backers,

as you requested, please find here an actual state of Würm's project advancement.  :


finished before end of the month







We will update this periodically in order to keep you informed.

Best regards

Advancement of the project #2
almost 9 years ago – Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 10:39:22 AM

Dear backers,

as you requested, please find here an actual state of Würm's project advancement :








We will update this periodically in order to keep you informed.

Best regards


BackerKit Pledge Manager
about 9 years ago – Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 02:03:04 PM

Black Machairodus
Black Machairodus


We had to wait through a BackerKit team retreat, but they have returned and authorized the pledge manager process to go live. We apologize for the delay, but watch your email inbox for a notice & link from BackerKit.

A few notes about the BackerKit pledge manager:

When you log into BackerKit as a backer of the KS project for Würm, all of the rewards associated with your pledge will be shown in your “cart”. This list should include anything extra due to stretch goals, such as the digital (and perhaps physical too) copy of Voice of the Ancestors #1.

NOT automatically included in your cart are the items you want as add-ons. So, if you added €17 for the bundle offer of goodies, like the dice + new scenario, etc. then you will see that you have a €17 credit waiting to be “spent”. Just add any such items to you cart.

Of course, this is an opportunity to add-on other items too, such as an extra set of dice, or notably Voice of the Ancestors #2, which we didn’t unlock via a stretch goal but which will also be available in PDF and print. This issue contains more themed (cannibals!) scenarios and articles.

BackerKit also allows you to “upgrade” your pledge from a digital reward to the €39 print reward or the €40 All PDF reward. This is notable primarily for the 100+ backers at the €15 level because moving to either the €39 or €40 levels nets you VoA #1 as a free PDF.

Moving to the €30 print level allows you to choose other items like the GM Screen or deluxe full-color character pad, or add-ons like dice. Simply add these to your order.

Please Invite Your Friends

People who missed the Kickstarter project may still pre-order Würm via BackerKit. If you know anyone who missed the project, or you have friends you’d like to play the game with you, then please provide them with this link:

Of course, we appreciate you sharing the link on social media too. More Würm players means more frequent supplements for the game for everyone!

Note that while the people who pre-order Würm will receive the game in the same shipment as Kickstarter backers, only backers receive VoA #1 as a free add-on! Those who pre-order must purchase this separately.

Important Note for US Backers

As we noted after the project began, backers in the US at some pledge levels were accidentally charged €10 shipping. All affected backers will find an additional €10 credit sitting in your BackerKit account. It would be great if you’d like to apply these funds to add-ons, but you are not obligated to do so. If you would like a refund for some or all of this €10, then please send an email to [email protected] titled “Würm US Shipping Refund” and include your Paypal email address. We’ll send the refund to you. If you do not want these funds via Paypal, then please say as much in your email and we’ll make other arrangements.

We'd now like to share some information about another RPG project currently live on Kickstarter. This game is offered by Nocturnal Media who has partnered with Editions Icare to bring Würm to you:

Scarred Lands Reborn

Nocturnal Media has a current Kickstarter project for a new edition of the Scarred Lands. The Scarred Lands Player's Guide actually comes in TWO versions: one for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and another for 5th Edition OGL. This is an heroic fantasy setting of a world recently ravaged by a great war between the gods and titans. Stewart Wieck of Nocturnal Media originally co-created this setting more than a decade ago when he owned White Wolf. You can read some of that story in this project update.

Please consider supporting this project if you like dramatic, powerful and detailed fantasy settings, and especially if you're a player of either of the games for which there will be a new Scarred Lands book.

If you'd like to sample the Scarred Lands, then please download our free 40+ page full-color adventure, Gauntlet of Spiragos. Like the book we're funding, there are both Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and 5th Edition OGL versions.

The Scarred Lands Player's Guide project has already funded, but there is extra material that we'd like to include in the book, and we need more support to make that possible. The fact we're funded is good news for backers, though, because everyone who pledges $30+ already receives a ton of free extras:

  • 17 updated characters from The Wise & The Wicked
  • a complete three-novel trilogy
  • a brand-new short story by Richard Lee Byers
  • three (almost four!) bonus PDFs of your choice

Thanks for supporting our projects on Kickstarter!

Advancement of the project
about 9 years ago – Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 04:24:32 PM

Dear backers,

as you requested, please find here an actual state of Würm's project advancement :








We will update this periodically in order to keep you informed.

Best regards
