Final rush
about 9 years ago
– Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 04:40:53 PM
Hi everybody,
we get no more than 18 days and main goal is not achieved. At this moment we reached 75%, it's quite good but unfortunately not enough to guarantee Wurm's publication.
So i do a call for help in order to, at least, complete the main goal. You can take an active role and there is my proposal:
Talk about the crowdfunding around you telling that if someone backs and writes you kickstarter's pseudonym in comments field, you both get a gift.
Please look at this rewards chart :
He backs for 15€ +:
both get :
a pdf scenario
He backs for 60€ +:
both get : a printed scenario
If you sponsor more than :
2+ backers you also get an illustrated paper bookmark
5+ backers you also get a set of 4 postcards using game artworks
10+ backers you also get a t-shirt with game artwork
Please remember he has to write your pseudo in comments when he confirms his pledge in order i can track it.
Hoping it will help to reach the goal, I thanks you for your help and for all you already done in supporting this project.
Best regards
Editions Icare
New Stretch Goals
over 9 years ago
– Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 09:55:13 AM
Hi everybody,
first, thank you for your support and your kind words about the game.
Things seems to go well for this kickstarter, so we can think about more ambitious stretch goals in order to thank you for your support.
So, now there is a possibility you get the GM's Screen printed in english version and also the two adventures booklets already published for the game.
As projections of kicktraq tell us ( these stretch goals could be reached if we success to gather more backers.
Stretch Goals
12000€ hardcover
14000€ English game screen printed
17000€ Voice of the Ancestors issue 1 translated (game fluff + scenarios). Pdf for all 45€+ backers, printed version for all 60€+ backers
20000€ Voice of the Ancestors issue 2 translated (game fluff + scenarios). Pdf for all 45€+ backers, printed version for all 60€+ backers
22500€ Set of 3d6 customized dices for 60€+ backers
Trailer Wurm
over 9 years ago
– Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 05:04:59 PM
hi everybody,
i just upload a video trailer for the game.
Good news, the author, Emmanuel Roudier, will see if he can make a video to explain you his game and game mechanics.
Enjoy !
GM's Screen Translation
over 9 years ago
– Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 05:04:42 PM
Hi everybody,
as some of you have suggested, i decided to offer a free translation of the back of the Game Master's screen (in pdf) to all bakers. A file with full HD (front & back in pdf) will come free for all 110€+ bakers (so in bonus of physical GM's Screen).
I hope it pleases you.
Help us to raise the goal, share this kickstarter ;-)
Best regards