
Würm — English edition of France's bestselling Ice Age RPG

Created by editions_icare

Survive perilous hunts & attempt legendary quests during the Ice Age of 35,000 years ago in this indie RPG.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final 48 Hours!
about 9 years ago – Tue, Dec 08, 2015 at 03:11:30 PM

This is the fun (and frightening) part of Kickstarter projects. We're funded (yay!) but in the final two days of the project we'd love to meet a couple stretch goals and add more material for you. Voice of the Ancestors #1 is within reach, and it might seem that VotA #2 is too far away, but projects can do amazing things at the end.

So please continue to spread the word!

And please consider some of the add-ons to get us closer! Favorite add-ons are:

  • Black Machairodus (new scenario) PDF for 3€ or print+PDF for 6€
  • custom 3d6 for 8€

The add-ons are listed on the project page. And remember that for 17€ you'll receive ALL the add-ons.

Voice of the Ancestors Scenarios

In case you missed the details Würm-designer Emmanuel Roudier provided in the Comments section, here's some more information about the scenarios included in the VotAs:

There are four adventures in each issue: two short and two long adventures. The short ones are designed to play quickly, either as a demo or for a short session. One of these is designed specially for new players, and works especially well for children. The long ones are also of two kinds: the first one is a "sandbox" scenario of tribal and mystical intrigue, the second one is a magical quest to save the heroes' tribe and souls.

Updated Rules for the English Edition

Finally, Emmanuel has also revealed that an updated version of Würm is the one that will be professional translated. Included will be some new material to make the rules more clear and precise.

Revised Stretch Goals & Announcing Add-Ons
about 9 years ago – Sat, Dec 05, 2015 at 03:20:47 PM

Our project is gaining a lot of ground lately, so we have decided to accept the standing offer from Kickstarter to extend our project by several days. So, instead of entering the final 48 hours, we still have almost a week to reach new supporters and hopefully achieve several stretch goals.

With that in mind we are making several adjustments to the project.

Please share the project with your friends and in your social circles. These changes may attract a new wave of support.

English-Language GM Screen Unlocked

That’s right. This is no longer a stretch goal! We’re unlocking it NOW. We hope this will encourage you to consider the 70€ pledge for the GM Screen along with both the print & PDF versions of Würm. The rulebook is now almost certain to be hardcover (stretch goal nearly met!) and with that pledge of 70€ you’ll also receive Voice of the Ancients in print (see below).

Stretch Goal Adjustment

Now that the GM Screen in English is no longer a stretch goal, here are our re-worked stretch goals:

12,000€ = all printed rulebooks will now be hardcover We’re nearly to this stretch goal!

15,000€ = Voices of the Ancients #1 translated. This is delivered as a free PDF to backers 39€+ and in print for backers 60€+.

20,000€ = Voices of the Ancients #2 translated. Delivered as above.

25,000€ = LOCKED (we’ll reveal this when/if we’re nearing VoA#2)

Würm Add-ons

To help achieve these stretch goals, we’re making several rewards available as add-ons, including the dice that are conspicuously missing from the stretch goals above. Also on the list is a new scenario as everyone has requested! It will be be written by Würm-designer Emmanuel Roudier.

  • Illustrated Bookmark = 2€
  • Scenario: Black Machairodus PDF = 3€
  • Set of 4 Postcards featuring artwork from the game = 4€
  • Scenario: Black Machairodus print & PDF = 6€
  • set of custom 3d6 (see image below) = 8€

Or get all of this (dice + print/PDF scenario + postcards + bookmark) for 17€.

NOTE: You may only add physical add-ons (anything other than the scenario PDF) if you have pledged for a physical reward.

Black Machairodus

Unfamiliar with the machairodus? Here!

And here is a description of the add-on scenario, which also gives you an idea of the exciting kinds of the stories you can tell in Würm.

The characters, young hunters from a clan of Long Men, are sent on a few days’ walk to retrieve good flint nodules from a sacred ground. When they arrive, hunters find that the large sinkhole where the flint is buried is flooded. As they wait for the waters to recede, the hunters watch as a a strange fossil skull is revealed. It’s the saber-toothed skull of a creature they have never seen. Thus begins the hunters’ slow descent into darkness. For the characters are now stalked, haunted, and possessed by the spirit of a dark and powerful being who lends them its awesome strength while corrupting their spirits. The shaman, the hunt leader, the voice of the ancestors, all their people and family soon turn their back on the corrupted hunters. What kind of curse afflicts them? Will they welcome the dark powers of the creature they have unearthed, or will they try to regain their clan's love and respect ? What if the only ones able to help the characters are their clan’s nearby enemies, the strange Bear-Men living in the misty mountains, the Ancient Men who were here before the Long Men arrived?

Please LIKE this update if you're pleased with these changes, and of course we appreciate any comments.

Editions Icare and Nocturnal Media for Würm !
about 9 years ago – Tue, Dec 01, 2015 at 02:38:14 AM

Today, I come to you with very good news !

First of all, I will let Stewart Wieck talk, boss of the US publishing house, Nocturnal Media :

I am very pleased to announce that Nocturnal Media is joining forces with Editions Icare to publish the English-language edition of Würm. My past experience with Editions Icare as they produced the French translation of the classic roleplaying game King Arthur Pendragon proved their dedication to quality games. Editions Icare published KAP and immediately supported it with a lovely two-volume version of The Great Pendragon Campaign.

Würm is an appealing game not just for its unusual subject and setting, but because of the inspired and streamlined game design. There’s an indie game aesthetic to Würm that is going to appeal to English-speaking gamers, and I’m proud that Nocturnal Media can be a part of this project in the final days of the Kickstarter project that is funding the translation.

Nocturnal Media’s efforts to draw attention to quality European roleplaying games — notably with our recently concluded Kickstarter project to fund the translation of the Spanish game Aquelarre — has been warmly received in the US and abroad. Adding a bestselling French game to our catalog of RPGs demonstrates our sincere efforts in this regard and marks a partnership with Editions Icare that will hopefully endure through many more projects.

So the good news is : yes Wurm will be translated and published in english, thanks to your support, but it will be done and managed with a local publisher. That means a better communication, a better distribution ans also a better support for the game. It will also make easier future translations. In fact, Nocturnal Media becomes our official US distributor.

Now, I just have to go back to work so you will be able to enjoy Würm asap !

Best regards.


What a beautiful day ...
about 9 years ago – Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 10:28:51 AM

Good morning,

the very good news of the day : Main Goal is reached !

Big thanks to all for your support, your kind comments and your curiosity.

I will give the word to our two translators to start the job asap.

Now, the question is just to know if you want to push up the project : first step the hard cover.
With actually 222 backers, just upgrading a few could be enough, if you can and if you want to do of course.

Nevertheless, i am very happy to see how french games could be welcomed by US (and UK) players. For us, it's a real inducement to translate other games.

One more time, thanks a lot from all the team.

Have a nice day !


Wurm sneak peak : introduction to an ice age.
about 9 years ago – Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 01:20:33 PM

We are pleased to present you today this introduction sample to Würm, a prehistoric rpg.

Please find the file here :

Enjoy !

JF - Icare